Goodbye Summer, Hello New School Year

There's one week left of summer for us. Our oldest will begin her journey into first grade, and our youngest, (tears), will be headed off to kindergarten. Where did the summer go?! Like, it just lasted 5 minutes! Is it just me, or did your summer months fly by as well? Maybe, I should have crammed more adventures in to make me not feel as sad about summer ending. No, I am just about to have a melt down because the reality of early mornings coming our way. Routines have come and gone the  last month, 8:30 seems to be the reasonable time to wake, and leaving the house after noon seems to be what the "normal" schedule became ( plus, that's when the pool opens). It felt like oh-so-sweet freedom.

This summer has been fun. Being home and on a new journey, not only did I have a chance to work on myself, but being a better mommy and enjoying our freedom together. And I did work on my sleeping-in skills, which I am becoming in expert in... not good. I am actually excited for our new routine. I am going to be that super-excited mom that's a half hour early to be the first in line to pick up the girls from school. I'll probably have balloons in the car when I pick them up for the first and last day, because well, IT'S EXCITING!!
As reality will start to settle in, I am becoming overwhelmed with a mixture of feelings. Parts of me are happy they are at an age where they are more independent, but the other part wants to stop them from growing. I have never wanted two opposing things so badly. Guess that's the part we aren't taught about parenting, but makes us grow as the days go on.
As the week passes we will be meeting the teachers, packing backpacks, setting out the first day's outfit, and getting the chore list and menu ready for the new routine. Oh, and we have soccer coming up, so its's not going to be a slow transition into things. Relaxed mommy to super-busy, soccer-mom.
That's okay, I enjoy being busy as I do being relaxed.

Goals for this last week are to be happy with my kids. We are overcoming strep at the moment, we've been couped up in the house for almost four days now, so you can imagine the stir crazy-ness around here. Honestly though, the cuddles on the couch and movies all day long have actually been nice. Serving my daughter with every need, including walking across the room to hand her her cup that's right next to her has been gratifying. I am going to let loose and just enjoy this last week. My baby starts kindergarten. She told me the other day she didn't want to go because she would miss me. Um, I was crying like a two year old inside. I do not want to let her go. It's like the official definition of her growing up.
I feel like time flies soo fast when you're a parent. But when I was a kid, it would ddrraaggg... This summer has taught me to not just enjoy the moments but to be a apart of them. Stop capturing them on our smart phones, but enjoy the memories we are making together. My kids need to see me smile, laugh, play, and let loose. Because I never want them to lose that sparkle in their eyes for a beautiful life full of hopes and dreams, but to enjoy lifes small moments. I don't want them to get wrapped up in the "busy society" we live in. I want them to be free birds from the Almighty Heavens and reach for their dreams. So, goodbye summer and hello new school year.


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