Talk Tuesday

Yay. Monday is over. It was exhausting, wasn't it? I know.
So now, let's talk. But first, coffee.( No talkie before coffee.) One thing I hate is small talk. Like, I try to avoid it all together. I will say hi to you as I pass by, but unless you want to share your whole heart and life with me, it makes me uncomfortable.

Let's dig deep. What is one thing most people do not know about you?
I sat on this all day as I thought about what I wanted to share. If you're my friend, there isn't much you don't know about me. And if you are my friend and questioning this, guess we need to talk more! But then, I was chatting with my husband last night about high school.
One thing most people do not know about me is that I had to enroll myself in high school.

Long story short, I lived with friends who became family, plenty of them, over the course of my teenage years. With that, I moved from Kansas City schools to Independence. With the great parents that I had (or still have), I couldn't transfer schools "easily". Now, things like this I tuck into those folders in the back of brain because simply I do not want to open them. I feel there is no need to since I have moved past all that hurt. But, it jogged my memory today during that conversation with my hubby. SO yea.. I had to enroll myself into high school. I had to write letters and go talk to administrators to get them to let me into the district. Get them to let me in.. I mean let that sink in. Can you imagine? I mean, I could understand for college, but HIGHSCHOOL?! ( insert eye rolls here) I think I even had to get power of attorney for the kind people letting me stay with them. It was during my late sophomore beginning of junior year,so maybe not, but I feel like we did. My mind is a bit fogged but that is horrible, no kid should have to do that! It was a process. So glad those years are over.

Man, that time in my life was SUPER depressing.

Few years later, when I was 19. Guess what I had to do? Enroll my sisters in middle school. They ended up living with my roommate (and best friend) and I at the time in our two bedroom little apartment. Let me tell you, I am a pro at enrolling kids in school now.
Need tips? Holla at ya girl! haha

SO, that's me, my talk for Tuesday. Probably explains my heart. I like to give to people. I mean, I would give my shirt off my back for someone. I would house all my nieces and nephews, and all the children who feel hurt from their parents if I could. Even the little boy my husband told me about today. He was sick and had to leave school, and his mother got on to him and pretty much drug him out of the school building because she was MAD.  My heart HURTS for kids who deserve love and cannot get it. But I can't. Yet.

This past Sunday at church this scripture came up ;
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. Isaiah 1:17 NLT.
I felt it in my heart. Everything happens for a reason.. and maybe that is part of my reasoning.

       Let's talk!!



  1. Hey cayla things do turn out pretty crazy. I am glad we were friends for the time we were and would be nice to catch up. Either way you are doing amazing things and are a influential person

    1. Thank you, Carmen. What a sweet comment. Message me to catch up!


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