A love affair

If you're a busy mom then you know ( all too well) that a timeout is needed. Not just for our precious little ones but for ourselves. That time to realign our mind and refresh our soul is needed to stay sane.. am I right? What do you do to rest?

Sundays are my favorite day of the week..
Not just because I get to go to a place and worship with my community but because they are full of rest. It is a soul refresher to get to sleep in and literally have no plans for the day. A time to check out from routines and schedules.

My love affair...
I have a secret love affair. If you can keep this between you and I, I will tell you ( can you do that?). It is between my couch and I. We get so close on Sundays my hubby gets jealous. Now, I would lying if I said I enjoy the football games that are playing in the background while I chow down on pizza next to my husband. But, I do it so we can rest together. We get very little quality time so if some of that time I do get involves me watching a sport I do not necessarily care for, I am in. This is also one of the very few days of the week that my daughters get along which makes me love Sundays even more.

Sing to my soul...
I look forward to Sunday because I can worship in whichever way I want in a public place. I am so thankful for our freedom to be able to do that. I have a new church home that is so welcoming and loving. Finally!! I am so thankful that I found a place to be myself in and where people are accepting. I am even more particularly excited for this Sunday because some friends came to church with us and they loved it. That means I will be even more excited for next Sunday to see them again at the altar.

Lists on lists on lists..
Sunday evenings are when I get my life together for the next six days. Let's be honest, I mean who really has their life together more than that. But this is when I make my lists for each area of my life. For the chef side of me, I write my recipes for the week that I will prepare with love. My ~must - get - dones~ for the homemaker side of me. For the mom on the go side of me, I write my schedules in. Lists of assignments for the college mom side of me.  My lists have lists and I love them all. It is little things like a list that are taken for granted. I can't imagine not having a list for the next week.

Faith to move mountains...
 I will have faith that God will help me with whatever it is that I will encounter the next week. I pray over that on Sundays ( and every other day).  My faith remains just as strong during the weeks that aren't as great compared to others.. because of Sunday.

Whatever you are going through, whatever you are needing right now. I hope that you take this Sunday and refresh your soul. Find rest so that you can just make it through tomorrow... which is a lot. I hope that you too can have a love affair. Whatever day it is, or whatever it is that renews your soul, find that love affair.

Leave me a message to share with me how you refresh your mind, body, and soul.



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