Tuesday Talk: What grinds your gears

I have been debating on what topic I should choose this week for Talk Tuesday. As I was in class earlier just thinking about five hundred million different things, I thought, I wonder what gets on peoples nerves. As I leaned towards a different topic, things kept confirming I should talk about what really grinds my gears. I mean we all have those pet peeves.

Thanks Google for explaining it for me...
What grind your gears?

grind (someone's) gears. To greatly or specifically irritate or annoy someone. It really grinds my gears when cyclists go zipping through red lights!

The way people drive is one thing that really annoys me. I mean right now, my daughter's neck is hurting because I slammed on my breaks because someone drove and STOPPED dead center in the middle of oncoming traffic. Then had the nerve to honk at me. Like, you have a yield sign, Brenda.  Don't be an idiot on the road. Be safe people.

Ever make your Target run and see one of your Facebook friends? Then they see you. Then after eye contact is met they disappear. Yea, that annoys me. A smile or a whispered "hi" is good enough to acknowledge that we virtually know everything that happens in each others lives.

Bad bartenders, Yep, cant stand them. John, when I ask you for a margarita and you bring me pepto bismol in a rocks glass, I am going to make fun of you. To your face. Then, I expect a free shot. I mean that is the least you could do for not having any knowledge of a basic drink.

About 90% of the time when I am running errands with my girls, I ALWAYS get asked, " Are they friends or sisters?". I am not sure how that information effects your life, in any way, but they are sisters. Crazy, I know. On the same subject, but people who just ask or tell random nonsense without any consideration for the next persons feelings.
I have a story to share about this..
One day a good friend and I were at the zoo with our own little zoo.. I mean 7 kiddos. We went over to the area where the monkeys are. There was an elderly lady in front of us explaining to her grandson that like my friend, monkeys do the same things as her. WHOA. Listen Linda, ain't nobody got time for that no-nonsense talk. Did I mention my friend was black and she is white? Yea, that really grinded both of our gears..

And for my last rant, because I could go on and on, but clothes in the children's stores that say like "how bout dat" and " on fleek". Why does a 5,6, or even ten year old need a shirt that says that? (Insert eyeroll here). I don't get it, but maybe I am not a cool mom who knows all that lingo to get it.

I am curious as to what grinds your gears? Leave a comment on the blog below!



  1. Interesting you say that about your girls. My sister and I don't look a lot alike and strangers used to stop to remark on how pretty my sister was. Then, pause, they don't look anything alike! Cool. I have ears. Also, in college, one of my sister's professors asked if we HAD DIFFERENT DADS after meeting me.

    1. WOW! I don't understand why people say some of the things that come to their mind.. The girls get it all the time!


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