
It was a relaxing Friday evening when I got a text that the neighbor boys were out playing with their new, awesome, light-up, birthday scooters and wanted the girls to come join them. I send the girls out. Big Dad gets a phone call from work putting him in the office so I decided I should go join them outside. I put my flip flops and head out the door.

That's when...

I decided it would be best I hug the cement and mulch instead. Yep, instead of walking down the stairs, I fell down them. I screamed, or so I thought, for Big Daddy to come help. Evidently, I didn't  scream loud enough because none of the neighbors looked over. THANK GOODNESS. Later, my friend told me she saw Big Daddy hugging me and taking me inside, thinking we were going to take advantage of the time of the girls being outside. So, she started texting me that the girls were coming back to get their bikes. She thought we were going to get caught. Turns out, the girls did catch us. They caught me in what was a breathe-taking moment.

My ankle was the size of a tennis ball..

My husband started to freak out. I kept saying, " I am fine, just go outside and play.".  I wanted them to go outside, all three of them, so I could catch my breath and cry for a moment alone. I literally cry at everything. I mean every time I hear our woman pastor preach at church, I cry. I cry watching cartoons, when I am reading, literally everything. Not then though.. My girls were watching me in pain, so I wanted to be strong. What I really wanted to do was scream... a lot.

It's all about perspective..

Chris told our friends what had happened and Kristen immediately came to help. She is so wonderful to have as a friend. She came and elevated my foot. Iced it, rubbed some arnica gel on it, and wrapped it up for me. She also gave me some anti-inflammatory medicine. She reassured me it was a minor sprain and not broken. I fall well .. haha!
When she left, I went to the bath where I could be alone for a minute. I thanked God for her, my husband, and the fact that this wasn't any worse. I could have said WHY ME. Why did you let my fat butt fall and roll my ankle Lord, why didn't you catch my fall? Don't you know I have so much to get done? A thankful attitude goes a long way and I refused to be unappreciative. My dear friend and hubby, thank you for being you. Thank you for being there when I fall.. literally 😍😍

So then..

He came in while I was bathing and told me it scares him to see me in pain. I replied with " meh, I have had kids, it is no biggie." Meanwhile, I am still getting my breath back. Something came over me and I refused to be vulnerable over this. My friend gave me a boot to wear.. and not cute boots that go with a sweater dress. I am not wearing that thing. Not because of the fashion, but because I don't want people asking me why I have it on. I have things to do and this isn't going to stop me. Babe had plans to help a friend move in the morning and I told him not to cancel, so he got his mom to take the girls to soccer in the morning.
I remember vividly ripping that wrap off my foot in the middle of the night and throwing it across the room because I was in antagonizing pain. But, I managed to get up, take the girls and her friend to soccer. I managed to do my weekend cleaning and yardwork. To be frank, I felt like one tough mama. I even got some cool get well cards.

I am now putting my foot up because it does hurt and it is still swollen. Not to mention, my back and arms. Man, it feels like I lifted weights 5 days in a row.  But, whatevs.

A woman is one of the toughest beings on Earth. From developing and carrying another human for almost ten months, then giving birth that baby to carrying all the weight of the world, while being a good person in the process, to continue looking good, and cooking and having a clean home and bringing in some moolah to help with the household and to chauffeur that being they created to activities and making time for her friends and family all while smiling and making it look easy.. Whew.. Guys, can you do that?

I didn't think so..

Hope you had a laugh at me because I sure did.


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