A teacher's prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to teach those you have brought into my classroom. Lord, I thank you for directing me to this path and this calling to teach others about you. Lord, I thank you for allowing others to trust me with this responsibility. Lord, give me wisdom, strength, and guidance to fulfill my duties.
Lord, I pray for each student and their families as they walk in to your home, that they feel your presence in here. Lord, I ask that you calm all those Mamma's hearts as they leave their precious angels with Ms.. Jennifer and I. I pray that they feel the love that we have for you, Lord. Lord, I ask that you pave a safe path for each of those students to come to class safely and on the way home, each and every day.
Lord, I ask you to give me wisdom to instruct with a patience and loving attitude. Lord, use me as an example of your love. May I bear the fruits of your tree, Lord.
Lord, I ask that you use this year to bring any of the families who are not saved to find you through our classroom and the students. Lord, I pray that you use me to teach these little ones everything that I can during the time we have together.
Lord, I pray for our staff. That they all make it to work each and everyday safely. I pray that they can lean on you when their burdens are too strong, and to praise you when all is well. Lord, you are almighty and awesome. You are so good. Lord, I know that you have this year in your hands. You have brought us an amazing director, the perfect person we have been searching for. Lord, I have no doubt that Little Learners will do nothing but be an example of how you love others, and Lord, I thank you for allowing me to be apart of that.

Lord, thank you for this day. And all the days to come. Thank you for each and every student that walks into the building. Thank you for each parent that trusts us with their baby. And thank you for every teacher loving on these babies.
Thank you, LORD.



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