A Victory is Won

I felt the urge to write today.. In my mind, I would like to write a couple times a week, but it seems like I never get that few minutes to sit down and do it. So, in the midst of being swamped with finals, here I am. Not that I am the best at writing, or good at it at all, but I like to do it. Bucket list... become an intelligent writer.

This morning I woke up late.. again. 6:45 I woke, made a cup of coffee, and headed into the bathroom to shower. I looked in the mirror and felt comfortable in my skin. I even said it. People, this has NEVER happened before. Like Ever. I remember being a kid and crying in my room because I felt ugly and fat. No one knew that then, but insecurities came early. They are something I have always dealt with. They are something that have always been in issue in relationships and friendships. More so, in the center of my heart.
I almost sent my Hubby a text (at 6:45 a.m.) saying that I felt that way, but as his wife I am choosing to show that instead of say it. I am sure he would have been happy for me had I told him, but I think just showing him does more than tell him.
Maybe it is the Holy Spirit telling me to write right now, but it is the Lord Almighty who makes me feel this wonderful. It's not my Husband telling me I am beautiful everyday that changed how I see myself ( although he does deserve a lot of credit), it is HIM. This is a victory. For me and my family, and mostly for my girls. I just showed them you can overcome anything when you give it ALL to the Lord. Something that has had a stronghold on my heart since probably age 10, maybe younger than that, has been set free. I am breaking free. The chains are breaking. I am not where I want to be physically, either. I wear size 11 in pants, even my girls know that I wear an "L" in shirts, and I wear a one piece swimming suit in the summer. I am okay with that. Can I improve? Sure.
I pray about my fitness, self-discipline, and motivation all the time. Breaking free is the confirmation that God hears me. It is affirmation that he will take care of me and show me how to glorify him through the temple of which I have been given.

Yesterday, I prayed a prayer that came across the reading of a book ( A Young Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus by Elizabeth George).  I know, I know. It is a book for a teenage girl, but all women, no matter the number in age, we can all take something from the context. The prayer mentioned how many choices we are given daily, and we have the option to be lazy, but as my heart wants to live for God lead me to where I should spend my time and focus my energy. That prayer is something I intend on praying each and everyday.

Being a woman is tough. We have to live up to so many expectations that we are our own worst critic. Why? Why are we comparing our self to that woman who just walked by who is beautiful. Are we not just as beautiful? We use the outside cover to judge most, yet take no time to see the inside. She very well could be beautiful on the outside, but very ugly on the inside. Does that ever cross your mind? Neither did it mine. That is changing. Instead now, I compliment more. I hope that my victory will reach someone, especially someone that needed to hear it today.


Scriptures about fitness, discipline, and eating habits.

The Lord guides us to a healthy living (Isaiah 58:11, NLT)
Food is not meant for comfort (Corinthians 3:16-17)
Our body is a temple (1 Corinthians 8:8a)
Think before you eat ( 23:1 -3, MSG)
Bring your anxieties to God not food ( Philippians 4:6-7)
Physical training can lead to spiritual training ( 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, NLT)
( 1 Timothy 4:7b-8 , MSG)
Avoid compulsions ( 1 Corinthians 6:12-20b)
Discipline is a good life ( Proverbs 10:17, MSG)
Hard work pays off ( Proverbs 12:11)
Moderation ( Proverbs 23:20-21, MSG)
Confessing our struggles ( James 5:16, NIV)
Healthy thinking ( Philippians 4:8, MSG
Feeding our soul ( Matthew 4:4b, NLT)
Don't compare ( Galatians 6:4)

Here's a song to jam to if you need one today...



Please feel free to email me or inbox my IG  if you would like to share your own testimony or just need someone to pray for you.

John 8:36


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