Give yourself a break

Couple weeks ago I was reading my bible on freedom. We don't need someone to tell us that worldly things distracts us and tells us that we need them. We know all too well when we are constantly checking Facebook, Instagram, Snap-chat, and Pinterest. On a daily the average person checks their phone at least 43 times and often times spends up to 5.4 hours on social media ( Entrepreneur). I am so guilty of that. I have a huge following on Instagram that I like to keep up with. Pinterest keeps the creativity flowing. Facebook allows me to keep up with family I don't see too often... but it consumes all of us, don't you feel a little obsessive?  I took a break. Deleted all the apps off my phone and didn't announce it either, just up and left.

What a nice break it was. My phone wasn't always in my hand. I listened more attentively to everyone. I HAD to make phone calls or texts that could've easily been comments on posts or done through messenger. I enjoyed it. Commandments from God are not meant to limit us and take over our freedom, but to allow us to live in the kind of freedom that brings life. That is scripture right out of that famous book I carry day in and day out. Galatians 5:13. We are to be intentional about serving one another that we love. If the world distracts us from that, we cannot do that. Perhaps that is why the world is blind these days when it comes to love and hate, rather it is more of an opinion of what is bothersome to them... but, that's for another day. 

It was so freeing. I missed seeing what everyone was doing, but I got over that quickly. Then, when my fasting was up, I realized why even make a post, that sounds so dumb. What I learned though was how much time is spent checking, posting, and sending messages to keep up to date with friends. My children, husband, and work is so much more important than all of that. In the end, that's all we're going to have anyway, right. Social media has a way to keep our mind running constant. I think we can all agree that it gets old when were crawling out of bed, dragging butt to the kitchen to turn on the Keurig for that morning boost of caffeine, because we stared at our phone for longer than we should have the night before. GUILTY! When it is gone, the more focus we have on life and each other is euphoric. 

Social- ME-dia is great for pouring gasoline on the fire of narcissism in our lives. I'm sure we all our picturing that person in our mind right now... I KNOW I AM!! I am guilty of it too. What a powerful tool social media is for stealing our thoughts, emotions, energy, and time away from people who matter most. Just the other night I spent an hour watching a Lula roe Sale.. didn't buy anything either. But, there went an hour I could have been doing something. I don't even watch TV for an hour in a week, priorities right!  Being less self-centered is something anyone can get out of taking a break from social media.. and honestly, some of us need that.

During that week off I spent more time my favorite book curled up in my arms. My Bible. I have dug deeper into the word this month than ever before, and man, does it feel awesome! Being able to grow my spiritual relationship with the Lord is one thing I told myself I was going to do... and by golly I am doing the thing!! I would be lying if I said I finished every resolution I made for myself.. but this one is a MUST! Not only that, if I can bring one unsaved friend to the Lord, then I will do all that I can to do that. More so, the noise of social media has made it less able to hear God speak to us. I find myself picking up bible first thing in the morning now instead of my phone... which I know you sleep with! ( for the alarm, right?!)

Another perception from breaking free of social media for that week was happiness. When you are not comparing your life to others, or seeing those debbie-downer posts ALL THE TIME from the same, sad people, I felt so much better! Oh, it was so freeing!! Do you ever have that one person you just want to put an eye-roll option on! YESS!!! I have one who just does not know when to stop, is constantly looking at my page, so it was so freeing and refreshing being away from that... I think I may need to do it again.. SOON! 

Friends, do this for 7 days. I would LOVE to hear your how it was freeing for you!! 

You say, "I am allowed to do anything"--but not everything is good for you. And even though "I am allowed to do anything," I must not become a slave to anything. - 1 Corinthians 6:12


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