Hello, again

Well, it's been forever since I sat down to blog. Now, I can tell you the many excuses of why I have NOT put it into my schedule, but who has time to hear those. So, hello, again. I am ready to get back into the groove of blogging and sharing my blessed life with.. well, whomever you may be that is reading. 
2016 was a year I hear most saying was dreadful. It was a year of transformation for me. I left a great job and found a new one that I am so happy with. My dreams are falling into place, little by little. I may be 30 before I can completely say my dream has become a reality, but you're never too old to quit dreaming, right?! I found that not only telling myself but telling others that this WAS going to happen, that it actually did. I pray day in and day out for the guidance I need to know where I am suppose to glorify the Lord and his calling for my life. I can testify that He is leading the way on the path that He has set just for me. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my all time favorite scriptures, 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

I am so excited to where I will be this time next year because the Lord. 

Pastor Brandon quoted this past Sunday, " God-inspired dreams need fellow dreamers to make the dream a reality". I let that sank in for a moment and realized how much my circle has changed. When I first began my fellowship with Christ, I had no Christian friends. I remember stepping into church alone and scared. But, I went and I am so happy that I did. I can truly say I have lots of Christian friends now. My faith has grown because of them. The fact that I can pick up the phone, walk up the street, or send a quick email, and know that I have warriors to pray for me and with me is truly something I wouldn't imagined having two years ago. But, with that being said.. we need people around us who believe in us. Someone who prays for you when you're not around. Those are the people that keep the inspiration and accountability alive for our dreams.

As I look back on my life, even just years ago, I wonder how did I live so long without knowing the Lord? I was so empty, angry, insecure, and many other things. He has truly changed my life.  

So, here's what I say. If you have a dream, DREAM IT! DREAM BIG! Pray for it every day! Tell yourself it's going to happen and MAKE- IT- HAPPEN!! And make sure to tell the others who don't support you or who want to bring you down, that they need to go! 

" If the size of your dream is not intimidating to you, it's probably insulting to God" -FBR


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