First Timer Here

I am up late tonight, and on a wimb, I decided to make a blog spot. SO, this is new for me, but I am hoping that someone can get some use out this. Whether its a laugh, or well, a laugh. I hope that you enjoy it. 

My life as been on cruise-control on this long, narrow road. Finally, I think I see the sign up ahead for some sort of intersection. Now, I've been praying about which path to take, and the Lord Almighty has not yielded me from the direction my gut tells me to take. It doesn't feel like there is no road at the end, so I guess that is what I am going off of. I can only see the beauty of life down that road. My future. 

The past ten years I have worked for a great company, whom which a great woman got me the job just to help us pay rent while my other job paid for clothes and booze. I cannot be more appreciative and thankful for landing that second job that has led my life to the choice I am making in a month from today. I am quitting my job. My full-time job, with benefits, insurance, and bonuses galore. Ten years of my life, very much impacted from this job. I just hate it anymore. I used to love it so much. I would work all day if I could. Now, I dread the uniform, the drive there, and the people. 
"What are you going to do?", they say... 
NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I am going to enjoy my kids, I am going to be free, and smile more.Maybe have some wine, with my daily dose of Sheldon. Maybe get lobster-baked in the sun while my kids pretend they are fishes (well, they really are). But maybe then, I  wouldn't have to spray-tan and actually build a tan... whaaattt!!! 
I am going to find the woman I am suppose to role-model for my daughters and the wife I am meant to be for my husband. I refuse to be so busy, rushing the minutes that passes us by, but rather enjoying the hours with the ones I love most. 

My husband, I am so thankful for. In our crazy years together, with whirlwinds of emotions, trials and tribulations, He has done nothing but lead me to the Lord and help become a better person. He's
the best person I know, and my best friend. I hope we all find our person. 

I hope to continue weekly on this blog, and in hopes that we can grow together, or at least laugh. 

Oh, and I'll be sure to show if I am a lobster or not!! 


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