National Best Friend Day

Today is National Best Friends Day, say what?! I didn't even know that was a thing. But it made me think of all the special ladies in my life who helped me become the woman I am today. Not having a strong mother or a mother role model in my life has seriously made life hard. Like what the heck man, can't there be a degree in how to be a strong woman and mother, cause I would totally take the course! 
I have had a lot of friends, and with time and life, relationships drift apart. Choices we make can drift apart those relationships and friendships. I have definitely had my share of lost relationships, some I hope one day can be rebuilt. Too many memories to just throw away.

My best friend in the whole world, needs to be given some credit here. She's like the mom I needed. An ass chewing when I need it, support when I have none, a smile when I am down, and mother to relate and get advice from when it comes to my girls.
This is her. Donna Jean. Shes awesome sauce.

I hope that one day all the women who have impacted me will read this. I just want you to know that I love you dearly, still. We share a bond that no one can take. The songs, smells, places, even drinks that bring back memories of the good 'ol days. I see how each one of you have grown into beautiful women with beautiful families, and it is hard to reconnect with our oh so busy lives. 

I am not perfect, the good ol man upstairs knows that more than anyone. But, I am who I am today because each of those women impacted me to be better than I was. Even if that means a lost friendship, it is a life lesson. I hope to reconnect with all the women I do not talk to on a daily basis, or years in that matter. Because we do share memories, laughter, hard times, and life lessons. But I just wanted to tell you all, Happy Best Friends Day. You are on my mind today and I miss everyone of you. 

                                                                Proverbs 27:19 NIV 


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