Loving my Actual Life

I'm on this path to loving my actual life. Sounds pretty easy when you have a good life, right? But, I often find my mind racing faster than the drivers at NASCAR. I am constantly blowing up at my kids, telling them to be quiet so I can think about the things I am forgetting. The noise in the background is something I can not wait to get away from at then end of the day, but in all reality, it is what I cherish most. The exhaustion and being spread too thin is self-created. This journey is to make myself more aware of that and become more graceful & grateful for my life. A recalibration, you could say.

My fresh start starts right here.

I will be sharing my journey as I explore my way to enjoying my actual life. Matthew 11:28 says "come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." There is so much truth in that. My relationship has grown with the Lord over the past couple of years, and like any other relationship, He lets me have it when I need it. He's changed my heart, and my ways, and I am now being rewarded. My favorite scripture, Proverbs 3:5-6 is something I have been learning to do with "my plans" that I have my life. I have prayed and prayed for the Lord to tell me if what I am doing is right, or at least headed to the path that He has created for me.
" Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight"
That's so good, isn't it?

I wake up everyday thinking about an unfinished yesterday. So many things to do. I try to make it not seem like I am living in a pig sty, (just cram everything somewhere, out of sight out of mind). Move the dirty linens to a pile of clean linens, then lay in it dreaming of when I am not going to put it up. Then, making sure the kiddos are fed, and yes, sometimes it is a Thai chicken pizza from Papa John's. Helping the girls with their common core math, which, let's be real, why?! Then we move and rush to gymnastics, bible studies, the pool, church, and me cramming in college courses, because I have to be the best role model to my kids. And college will be an option for them.
But, I am drained, exhausted, unhappy, and sleepy. That's all changing. Each month on my new journey, (thanks to this super awesome book I picked up by Alexandra Kuykendall) I will be pouring some "life" into my life.

Now to the end of July, my goals are as follows:

Quiet time alone each day... whether that is on the drive home from work or to.. no phone calls, no music, just pure silence. And possibly a rest prayer. "As I cherish the quiet, I must learn to cherish the noise because I love from whom it stems."

Exercising... Getting back into the grind of working out. Not just to lose weight but because it produces endorphin's and I need everything on this journey to make it worth the while!

Getting rid of mindless acts. Putting my phone down more and working on school when the kids are away or in bed. Enjoying more of life, instead of virtual life. (But on the real, that is how I make money, so I will just cut it in half).

Writing down three things I am grateful for each day. It is said that if you do this every day, you will see a significance increase of happiness in 2 months.     (Something I learned at church Sunday).

Mind Control.... Learning to question the negative thoughts and asking if they are the devil's and/or if they really have any meaning.

Seems easy enough, but when we get into our daily routines, I think we can all agree we lose ourselves. Our goals. I mean, we try to look the mother that has it all together, but deep down we're a hot pippin mess! Am I right?!

Anyway, thank you my friend for reading. This journey is super exciting!!

Psalms 20:4 says "May He grant you according to your heart's desires, and fulfill all your purpose."


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