How to cope with P.O.P.D.

I've been anxiously waiting for Halloween to come and go so I can blare my Christmas music Pandora station and put up our Christmas trees. Traditionally, we go pick out a real tree the weekend of Thanksgiving but last year I caved and bought a fake one. I mean, it was half off at Target.

Anyways, we have two Christmas trees in the Chavez household. One for me, and one for the everyone else to decorate. This year the girls put their tree up and it kind of had a Grinch, Cat in the Hat, pink, green, blue theme.
Yikes, I know.

We got the tree in the living room set up and started moving the branches around. That's when it kicked in. My OCD, Obsessive Christmas Disorder. I couldn't have the branches going every which way and gaps in between. I mean that looks crazy, am I right? Then we put the lights on, but they weren't evenly spread out. Ugh! The girls got the bag of ornaments out and started placing them on the tree. Around the very last branches, close together, and far apart. I tried to help them with the placement but instead I found ways to cope with my P.O.P.D. ( perfect ornament placement disorder) so that it would still be a fun, loving Christmas tradition..

Here's what I did, and it could work for you.

Asked my husband for a sandwich. Which he made with block cheese, therefore I couldn't chew easily so I couldn't speak when needed while chewing. Husbands, buy some block cheese and make her a sandwich.. mmmkay

Poured a rum and coke. Captain Morgan always helps me out and I am sure he wouldn't mind helping  you out either.

Stood there agreeing how beautiful their placement was while cringing inside.

Started a fire and dreamt of throwing my anxiety in there with it.

Danced to the Christmas music playing and not look at the tree.

Then the Grandparents showed up, Oh thank Heavens. They got distracted and forgot to keep decorating. I get to fix the placement of the ornaments tonight when they go to bed. :)

This P.O.P.D. came from a time where my husband and children thought it would be sweet of them one year to decorate the tree while I was working so that I could relax when I got home. That was rather sweet of them. I couldn't find a picture, which believe me, I am saving myself  from a lot of embarrassment, or rather them. The tree looked like a big, patriotic, CHAVEZ themed tree. There were a strand of white lights at the top, red ones in the middle, and blue led snowflakes towards the bottom. Had every ornament we own on it. Along with the word C H A V E Z spelled out in the middle of the tree. Oh, and the god-awful stencil. I looked at it everyday that winter and cringed. You bet I did take it down on December 26!

So, it may be worth it to go visit your friend Captain, Jack, or Jim before getting out the tree this year.

I had to leave a couple fall decorations up still.



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