What's on your Christmas list?

I woke up this morning, grabbed my coffee and checked my emails like I do every morning. To my surprise I found..


Yesterday, Amerie and I chatted about Christmas wish list items and all she really wants is gel pens. GEL PENS. Ugh, it comes so quickly! Going through the ads, I want all kinds of things for them but how humbling it is knowing that my children have everything they need and want. It is an overwhelming feeling that we are provided for and taken care of. My husband works nonstop so that we can live and feel that way, so that the kids feel that way.

This year we got on a pretty strict budget so that we would know where all of our monies are going. Not only does it help us see that but it helps us teach our children how to be responsible with money (something I was never taught). I wouldn't per say we are following Dave Ramsey and all of his guidelines but it is comparable. Having said that, we don't buy our children everything that want when they see it anymore. Can I just say how freeing that feels! I can buy it, and sometimes they ask "why" since we are rich, but we choose not to. They have become more grateful tiny humans because of that.

Coming from a childhood where I didn't get things that I asked from Santa but rather on the receiving side of the operation "adopt-a-family". There was no bathroom in my home, our home was heated by this MASSIVE stove in the living room, sometimes we borrowed power from the neighbor, and where roman noodles were often times considered dinner., and no I wasn't born in the 30's.Today, we were able to unexpectedly fix  my truck and get materials to redo our staircase without any financial burdens, in cash.

I am humbled. I am overwhelmed with joy.

Our family has goals in the next couple years and learning to have discipline is helping teach them. I wouldn't call our city the best city to live and educate your child in, but I truly love it here. I would love to move to the other side of town where my children can continue school with their soccer family and friends. Not only that, my village is here. This town has my heart and I want to stay and try to put just a little bit of hope and kindness back into it. I feel the biggest problem here, like all other cities, is lack of love. To the children and to the parents. Parents are not loving their children because they do not feel loved which makes me grateful to be able to love on the children of this city with my job.

I absolutely LOVE substitute teaching. I get to love on tiny humans and make sure that they are taken care of and safe while not at home. That they get that one on one attention in areas they are struggling in. A simple 3 minute conversation with a child can literally make their day and make them feel important. I bet that would work with the grown humans in this town also.

I love the holidays. I can't wait to put up my tree and jam to Christmas music all day long while the fire is going. I wish it were Christmas all year 'round because it's the only time I see the world coming together and showing that love to one another, myself included. We plan on "splurging" Christmas with an experience rather than material things because it makes the heart grow fonder. So, this year while our Christmas lists are small, our hearts feel huge. Hugely filled with love and gratefulness.

If you see any gel pens on black Friday ads... I need them!

I got our wish list here



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