
Full ass! Maybe it is because I don't have actually have an ass that I have become a slacker for my own health... Oh wait, another excuse. I admit it, I need to get it together. ( First step is admitting, right?). Well step one done. Slacker.
When I left my job last year I had all this enthusiasm to lose weight, get fit and look awesome. Yea, I am pretty sure I have gained at least 12 pounds. ( I know, right). Instead I have become the most stressed out woman around. Last week, I was literally sick for 4 days from a migraine from crying from... well, more junk. This season has been ROUGH. I am so excited to see the rainbow at the end of the storm when the sun starts to shine bright, or is that even a real thing?

There have been so many times I let my feelings get the best of me. I eat them mostly, if you cannot tell. Mama is full of feelings! But lets be real, every mom (woman) has been through a season where she has "let herself go", and if you haven't, well, you will soon. The season can be horrible, amazing, LONG, or a little bit of all of that. That is what mine is. While there are things I could go on complaining about, ( because I know you want to hear it!) there are so many things I am thankful for. I try to praise the Heavens for all of my season daily but sometimes I fall asleep before I get the chance.

Over the summer my Grandma went into the hospital. Her health has taken a turn for the worst and so far she hasn't walked in a couple of months. I received the role of being her caretaker of her laundry, dishes, and moping duties. Along with visiting the hospital multiple times a week, sometimes daily. An abundance of anxiety came with it all. And when I needed my best friend, she was not there.

Last week, as I was lounging around, ( what I do a lot these days) I noticed this HUGE vein that goes from my groin to my calf was hurting. Like throbbing hurting. I am almost 30, Grandma just turned 70 and she just went into the hospital for reconstruction of the same vein and ended up with MRSA.
I am thinking to myself avocados and celery are all I can eat now to prevent this.
I have two precious angels who need me until I am at least 100 that I need to live for.
I need the strength to discipline myself. Hmm.
Maybe that's why I got sick, to stop eating so shitty.

 I know I can do this. I hope to share this journey, for motivation but mostly for my girls. I have to take my life back and yes, I have to use my whole ass. Maybe I can grow one in the process. According to Dad and Elaina, I have the third best ass in the family ( hah!). Now your wondering who had the best ass.. it's Dad. His fine, sexy ass wins first place.

Keep reading to be hear my story? Share your motivation?

Press on to the goal.
Phil 3:12

P.S. I sing to Tech Nine every time I read this post


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