Tips for Busy Moms

If you're anything like me, you are always on the go. During the school year I feel like I live in my car. Buy hey, it is all for the kids, right?

Here are my tips of how to partially stay sane while being the completely busy mom you are:

-Tell your friends you may forget things in advance so they don't get upset when you do
- Get a calendar for your wall and phone
- Write everything on those calendars. Bills, sports, meetings, school functions... MENTAL    HEALTH DAYS
- Highlight the different tasks in different colors.. you will thank me later
- Meal Prep... make a list of dinners before you grocery shop
- Use your crockpot... religiously
- carry snacks in your purse for the kiddos... they are ALWAYS hungry
- get up early to have some time to yourself.. rather than at night so you wake up refreshed
- Use your village on days you can't seem to manage it all
- Stock up on wine.. and keep it stocked at all times
- find a pair pajamas that you love and wear them to bed each night.. again, you will thank me later
- Pack lunches the night before
- Set clothes out the night before
- Make lists.. daily to to-do's, weekly to-do's, you get it..
- Call your friends at least once a week.. not text
- Binge watch your favorite shows at least once a week ( I need new ideas if you have any)
- Make sexy time a priority
- wear lipstick
- know you go this on the rough days.. because you are one badass momma jama

Please share your tips with me.
Have a badass day babes
Press on to the goal
Philippians 3:14



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