Tips for making the morning rush bearable

Holy Moly summer flew by! It was a great one. Late nights watching the sunset over the lake. Early mornings watching the sunrise accompanied by a warm cup of joe and the good word. Lots of memories made this summer. But now... it is back to work time. The girls have been in school for a week now. I start in-service next week. WHOA.

I am a firm believer if you get up when no one else is you are bound to have an extremely productive day. Not only that, you get a peace of mind to deal with it all. I wanted to share my tips of how I am out the door, ready for work, breakfast is had, and success in mind by 830 a.m.

*NOTE* This is my routine only during school calendar year :) But I did start this week.

Here are my tips:
- Wake up early. I set my alarm for 4:45-5:30 a.m.
- Make a cup of coffee and grab a pen.
- Make your list of your daily to-do's ( I am a list gal)
- Read a devotional
- Write down 3 things you are grateful for
- Finish your coffee
- stretch, workout, yoga, meditate, cardio
- eat breakfast.. smoothies are great
- shower
- wear lipstick
- now you can deal with the house because by now their alarms are going off
- pack lunches, backpacks, and next days outfit the night before
- cereal, muffins, shakes for their breakfast
- out the door!
Have a kick ass day, babes.



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