Happy Anniversary

In 2007, I worked at Quik Trip, this time for only about a year or so. I was just a clerk, running around doing tasks, checking in vendors. One day, the milk man came in. I always got flustered when I saw him, and everyone knew I was going to check him in. I'll never forget it. He said to me, "your hair looks nice", well so do your sir! Yep, I said it, and my face was probably as red as the lid on that Vitamin D milk he was bringing in. Everyone knew I was crushin on him. My coworkers would leave silly notes in the milk crates and say they were from me. I was full of excitement when he asked for my number.
We had many sleepovers, pizza dates, oh, and I remember our first kiss. T.G.I. Fridays, and my best friend's husband was our server. I even remember what I had on, wasn't too bad thinking back 8 years ago from now!  Maybe that's why I love that place so much, who knows. It's either that or the Jack Daniels sauce.

Fast forward a couple years of dating off and on. We loved each other from the moment we met. His smile will knock you to your knees at any moment, whether you're mad at him or not. I remember the first time he said he loved me. Wasn't the dreamy, romantic night every girl pictures in her head. It was in a text while he was in another state for training for his job. He loved me, I knew it! I was stubborn and waited about 5 months before I said it back. I mean hey, a girls gotta know before she puts it all out there, right?!

In 2009 when we were thinking about getting really serious, I got pregnant. As a new follower of Christ, I would have redone so many things. My mother growing up, I didn't learn about values, self-respect, or morals, or the Lord either. By saying redone, I mean the way our relationship became full effect. I don't know, I guess I can't really say that. He took care of me the moment I told him I was pregnant. I knew he wasn't going to leave my side. I guess what I mean is, I wish I was brought up with those values so we could have started our marriage with faith being the center, if that makes sense.
We had two beautiful baby girls in two years. They are 13 months apart, Amerie and Elaina. I mean, he did say "if I don't have kids by time I am 30, not having any." So there ya go daddy yo!! He's six years older than me, so I totally get it. We had fun together. A lot of fun. I miss it. We would lay on his bed and talk, about everything. I remember making love and the feeling being so powerful. I don't know if that's is just us, but I feel like that can get lost somehow in the middle of our busy lives.

When we got married in 2013, we definitely been through our shares of trials and tribulations. Somehow the Lord, (not a follower yet then), somehow managed to always bring us back together. I praise Him for that. Especially on days when it feels hard to love. We don't have the typical fairy tale, or faith based beginning. But the story of us is ours. We are now followers of Christ. He led me to the Lord.
As I walked into that church, decided to get saved, I did it hoping to save him. But guess what, HE SAVED ME. I cannot express how my gratitude to my Husband for that. The feeling of knowing that is indefinable.

So, as we enter our third year of marriage, with so many new changes to our lives, I cannot do anything but be excited for the future. I see so many things, so many adventures. Growing and accomplishing things we've only been able to talk about.

So Hunny, Happy Anniversary. I am overwhelmed with excitement for us. I cannot wait for more anniversaries and to keep growing old with you.


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