New Me, New You

The past few months have been long, stressed, and have me anxiously waiting for this time to come. I have been so fatigued. I am one of those girls who eats her emotions, so to say the least I have put on 12 pounds. You're probably thinking, 'oh that's not that bad. It is, it really is. Ever have those days you put on clothes and you throw them on the floor because you feel like they don't deserve to be hung back up. Like it's their fault they don't fit you. Yea, that's me right now. Uncomfortable in all my skin and clothes. I feel it too. My energy crashing, tired all the time, and moody as hell. I need the gym, and it needs me. 
On my journey to loving my actual life, I started it by writing in my gratitude journal. I write down three things I am thankful for that day every night before bed and my prayers. It really puts a lot into perspective. Because as not everyday cannot be good, there is good in every day. This helps me see that. 
So, as I wake up each day, dreading pants, I know I need to get back into the groove. I am being given the opportunity to take my life back, and damnit I am! I want to be strong, slimmer, and show my girls the importance of taking care and nourishing our bodies. The Lord gave us these temples to live in, the only temple we have slight control over. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body."
He is not saying be as skinny as a super model, but to be strong and healthy. We can give glory to God during workouts because we can meditate, pray, put yourself in the presence of God. There is nothing we cannot do without Him.
So, as I start this journey, again, I will remember that. I need to become a healthier version of me. As a mother it is my duty to be the best version of me. Thank you Lord for those two blessings that look up to me. I am so excited for a new health and fitness journey. I hope many will join me as I look forward to crushing those goals. 



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