Summertime Madness

We all have days where we just want to be home. It's too hot or it's rainy, or us mom's just have a boat-load of things we must do, at home. Summer to me is going to the pool, playing outside, flip-flops, fruit salads, lemonade, and ice cream. But, we cannot do that everyday, it's exhausting! 
I planned my day out today last night in my calendar book. Not one thing went as I wrote it down. It wasn't a bad day either, it was good day to be of track. We were in the house most of the day. It's like a painful 105 degrees outside these days. We blew up someone balloons and popped them with our bottoms. We played barbies, and colored, playdoh, watched a movie, and and went through our ABC's book. It got me thinking of how important these types of days are. They are teachable and great for bonding. I have put together some games to play inside with the kiddos on days we stay inside. 

* Laundry Basket Skee Ball
*Paper Plate Ring Toss ( use a paper towel roll)
* Target Golf ( cut a box with 4/5 holes )
*Scavenger Hunt
*Scribble Art
* Indoor Camp out
*Cardboard Maze ( made with straws, and use a marble)
*Bake cookies or a dessert
* Balloon pop
*Paper Plate Tic Tac Toe
*Balloon Tennis 
*Paper Masks 
*Build a house of Cards
*Paper Airplanes
*Freeze Dance 
*Musical Pillows 
*Indoor Bowling
*Tea Party
*Make jewelry out of food
*Play school/ grocery store
*Blow bubbles 
* Make a book ( shapes, letters, numbers, colors)
*Melt crayons into art
*I spy
* Play dress-up or superhero
*Drive in Movie ( with cardboard boxes as cars)

Proverbs 22: "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it"

Thanks for reading! 


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