What is Your Spiritual Gift

The world has become a crazy place. Some of us are scared to go places, people are selfish and rude, and everyone feeds off social media!!
I believe judgement day will be coming soon. I would hope that as a new Christian I have fulfilled (or am trying) thus far.We all have things we can better about ourselves, our lives, and choices we make. I truly believe if you pray about your worries and fear, God will take care of them. 2 Corinthians 12:10 says "when you have done everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't". I wholeheartedly believe that.

I recently found my spiritual gift and animal. I believe a combination of a squirrel and a honeybee.I love to serve and I love to give. That is one thing I can guarantee all my friends can say about me. I love helping others, no matter what it takes. I love to organize though. I am always up for planning something. Maybe I am some weird spiritual animal combined of a squirrel, a honeybee, and an ant.
You never know how much you are helping by doing small gestures. I am probably not an eagle, but I look up to them. Well, I guess a honeybee, an ant, and a squirrel really do look up to eagles! Ha!

Nonetheless, we all have a spiritual gift. God has given us all grace, even the ones whom feel they don't deserve it. Yes, God loves you too. Once we see the gift, it is our duty  as children of God to exercise those gifts.
Most of us will be more dominant with certain gifts as we lack in other gifting areas.
If we could all use our gifts starting today and use them not only for a changed heart, but to love on others, how much better would our world be? Think about it.

Here are the 7 Heart-wired Spiritual Gifts given to us by God.

1. Prophecy - This person is an eagle. Their is nothing but black and white. What's wrong is wrong, and what's right is right. They speak the bold truth, but with love. This person is passionate about exposing sin, so that truth can be revealed and restored by the grace of God. Very outspoken. Biblical verses that describe this spiritual gift are Acts 14:2-6 and Romans 12:9

2. Serving- Squirrels are people that are the first ones to volunteer to serve for anything, their community, the church, anything. They love to serve others. They want to show God's love by serving to others. Mark 10:45 and Romans 12:10 are scriptures that help us learn about Squirrels.

3.Teaching- They are a tiger. They explain the comprehensive biblical insights.
They are passionate about the truth and validating it. They mediate and study on the word of God. They ask for answers about anything they seem doubtful about. They are sincere and diligent people.
Scripture that helps us understand this spiritual gift are Hebrews 5;12, 14 and Romans 12:11. 

4.Exhortation- This person is a dolphin. They want to see the word of God in others, the exhort and encourage from the heart. Dolphins are normally involved in teaching, ministries, counseling, and discipling.
Scripture that helps us see the dolphins are Hebrews 10;24-25 and Romans 12:12.

5. Giving- The Honeybee is a person who like to give tangible gifts of God to others. This person wants to help others reach their needs. And while they like to give, they stay away from the limelight. Scripture that helps us see the honeybee are Luke 6:38 and Romans 12:13. 

6. Administration ( Organizing) - They are known as ants. Ants are behind the scene type. They love to organize, solve problems, and mobilize the body of Christ for ministry. Ants are goal-oriented and can always see the big picture. Proverbs 6:6-8 and Romans 12:14 help us understand ants.

7.Mercy- The Dove. The dove is someone who comforts, who brightens up someones day, reassures others that they too, are children of God. Very compassionate people who feel they need to pray. They embrace humanity. 1 Timothy 1:12-13 and Romans 12:15 are scriptures for the Dove.

Believer or not, I am sure at least one of those can describe some part of your heart. It's time we all come to the Kingdom together, let's be the church that this world needs. Jesus is coming soon, and as we wait for Him, what will you be doing?

1 Corinthians 16:14 : Let all that you do, be done in love."

Much love to you all. <3

Idea from Laire Lightner


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