Girl Time

I am enjoying the past few weeks off with the girls. It feels surreal to me that I do not have to wake up at 3:45 a.m. to put on a uniform and punch the clock at 5 a.m. anymore. I get to enjoy my babies. Well, they aren't babies, but they are mine. I have worked since I was 14, nonstop. Then this man came in to my life who I instantly fell in love with and is the reason I can be home and work towards my dreams. God is GOOD! 
Since I can do that now, spontaneous trips can be put into place. I hopped along my best friends adventure to Rolla, MO. There were a total of 5 moms and like 16 kids! It was fun. It began to pour as were loading up the cars, but we had hoped for sunny weather as we traveled along. That didn't go as planned. We got the entire opposite. Rained so hard I had to pull over on the side of the highway. Then we all got sidetracked because we couldn't see each other. Nonetheless, we managed to find our way back on track. As we traveled the four hours there, being annoyed by the rain, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with blessings. The people I get to call family, the women that are on the trip who are new friends, all the kiddos, the freedom, it's something I've never felt before. 
Thankfully, as we arrived the sun came out. We pulled up to Mark Twain National Forest, and it seemed very quiet. Now, I am not the camping girl as much as I try to be. I hate bugs, creepy and crawly and bite!! It had a river  that we all got in. A beautiful spring that our kids said was colder than ice! Kids floated, picked up frogs and craw fish, and just played. That's what summer is supposed to be about, freedom and the sunshine. 

That night we tried to cook dinner, but you can't start a fire with wet wood and no charcoal! It was a womens trip for sure. If our husbands had been there watching us, they would have been laughing at us. Although, Donna did an amazing job trying to cook those hobo packs. Chips and hot dogs fed my family that evening. 
People have been raving about this beach ( I know, a beach in MISSOURI!) online and it looked interesting.This is what encouraged the adventure four hours away from home. Slides, cliffs, and very blue water. We woke up and as we were packing up, it poured, again. So over it at this point. 
But, when we got there, I think it was worth it to wait out the rain. 
It was such a good time. Us moms put our money together and got a pavilion. We finally managed to cook those hobo packs and hamburgers we couldn't from the night before. The kids played, went on the slides, and yes the water is very, very blue. I wonder how they get it that color. Anyways, my six year old is fearless diva. She hesitates at nothing when it comes to adrenaline rushes. Shes been doing things like jumping out of trees into the river since she was about two years old. My pre-mom self was the same way, so its safe to says she gets that from her mama. She asked me to jump off the cliff with her. From sitting on the sandy beach it doesn't look like much. I feel that I need to prove to her that I can do it all, including jumping a 21 ft. cliff. I went and got a life jacket and went up there with her. My girlfriend came with us. We had planned on all doing it together, but let me tell you what. I stepped on the diving board and my heart sank to the bottom of the water, I was scared out of my mind. As my daughter just ran, no hesitation, I am letting the line go. She's screaming at me, the entire beach is looking at me, seeing if I have the courage my 6 year old does. It was the scariest moment yet of my life. I did it. It felt like I was never reaching the water. Oh and when I did... man, that felt like the worst spanking I have ever encountered. My bum still hurts two weeks later. 

I did it. My baby was so proud of me but couldn't help but ask why it took me so long. It was only because she had to wait to jump off some more. I love her dare-deviled self. She's what changed my life, my biggest blessing of all time. 

It was a great time. I would suggest going there once if you're a local here in town. The drive in is kind of creepy to me. it felt like I was driving through a scene from a scary movie with all the weird homes and dirt roads, but it was a good time. Very friendly place, I give it a 7. We made it home safely that night, all four hours driving in peace and quiet. Every mother's dream while on the road. It was a good experience with my girls and a memory that we will cherish forever. 


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